Our Mission

Cobratec Knives store location

Improving Life, Increasing Business & Fostering Growth in Meridian


The Meridian Economic Development Corporation is dedicated to seeing both existing and new businesses succeed in our community. Meridian, Texas offers a unique opportunity for anyone looking for a place to grow. 

During 2020 Meridian welcomed several new businesses to the area. One in particular was CobraTec Tactical Knives, LLC.

Many people couldn’t help but notice when the empty building off State Highway 6 that was originally a Family Dollar store started to get a face lift. By providing a $30,000 loan, the MEDC was instrumental to the renovations and relocation of CobraTec Tactical Knives, LLC. Where once stood an empty building with blacked-out signs, now houses a profitable business that not only provides additional tax revenue to the area but also job opportunities for local residents.

Are you interested in bringing YOUR business to Meridian? Give us a call!

Have you ever wondered what Economic Development is and what Economic Development Corporations can do?

What is it?

-Economic Development is deliberate, a deliberate activity – The aim of which is to improve the economy of a community, region, or state. Economic development activities generally include efforts to attract, retain, and create jobs with the intent to foster a resilient, pro-growth tax base and diverse economy. The practice of economic development should be inclusive and typically involve the close collaboration of business, government, and a wide range of community stakeholders.

-Economic Development Corporations organize and implement a plan of action to improve the economic well-being and quality of life of residents.

-They lead a team of players committed to creating and maintaining good jobs and striving for the highest possible quality of life.

-They diversify the economy by recruiting new businesses and industries and diversify the tax base, so their community is less vulnerable to fluctuations in the economy, which better equips a rebound from relocation or closure of their businesses.

-They compete with other local communities as well as globally to bring primary jobs and capital investment.

What can they do?

-Business retention and expansion are a core component of economic development. Business retention and expansion programs help existing businesses navigate economic difficulties and assist with expansions that create new jobs. Understanding the physical requirements, market trends, competition and workforce needs of existing businesses within the community is a key component to a sound economic development strategy.

-Business attraction and marketing are vital to success. Economic development executes marketing and attraction strategies to market their community to existing and potential businesses. These strategies usually promote a community’s unique qualities, programs, location, and resources. The marketing efforts are designed to attract higher paying jobs to support the economy of their community.

-Small business development and entrepreneurship are also vital to the growth and unique qualities of a community. Economic development corporations can assist with providing loans, help with finding a location to maximize sustainability and growth, as well as marketing and advertising.

-Real estate development is key for the success of a community’s economic development corporation. They can assist with finding locations and the planning of industrial parks, office space, recreational parks, and sports complexes, or anything else that would improve the quality of life of their citizens.

-There is one big exception, real estate housing. The laws in the government code in the state of Texas are very specific and restrictive to the development of housing by economic development corporations.