Water, Garbage and Sewage Services
Current City Water Rates
- Residential
$38.50 up to 2,000 gallons - Commercial
$44.50 up to 2,000 gallons - Outside City Limits
$44.00 up to 2,000 gallons
Garbage Services
- Hand pick up/personal cart – $11.95 plus sales tax of $0.99
- Hand pick up/Waste Connections cart – $15.95 plus sales tax of $1.32
- Hand pick up/personal cart – $16.50 plus sales tax of $1.36
- Hand pick up/Waste Connections cart – $20.50 plus sales tax of $1.69
- The City also has dumpsters available from the contracted trash company. Please call for prices. *dumpsters can only be set on approved surfaces*
Residential trash pickup is on Thursday.
The pickup day changes on certain Holidays.
Holidays with pick up on Friday instead of Thursday are :
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Day
Regarding regular trash pick-up:
Please be reminded that the items are excluded from trash pick-up:
- Tires (will be accepted only if they are quartered or shredded)
- Car batteries or household use batteries
- Wet Paint Cans
- Construction waste, bricks, dry wall, wood beams, etc.
- Oil, Oil Filters, and Fuel
- Computer and TV Monitors
Hazardous Materials such as:
- Ammunition
- Freon in refrigerators/AC
- Infectious and Medical Waste
- Biological and Radioactive Materials
- Compressed Gas Cylinders
- Fire Extinguishers and Smoke Detectors
Brush Pickup
Waste Connections does accept small bundled and tied brush that does not exceed 4 feet and 2 feet in diameter.
Large brush can be brought to the city brush dump site on brush day, the first Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. – noon. The city brush site is located at the old sewage site behind Bosque Bottoms.
Regarding bulky items
The City of Meridian offers its residents the opportunity to haul bulky items to the dumpster at the North Water Tower on Highway 144 on the first and third Saturday of the month. The site is open from 8 a.m. to noon or until the dumpster is full.
Exclusions on permitted items do apply – see above list of items not accepted by the landfill.
To dump there, residents are required to have a permit. A permit can be picked up at City Hall. Permits are only issued if the items are from your personal property and a water bill is shown as proof of residency.
Please check back for updated Information
Payment Information
To pay by check in person at City Hall or mail to:
PO Box 306, Meridian, TX 76665
Contact City Hall to set up auto-draft from a
checking account with no additional fees.
Customers are billed monthly around the 1st and bills are due on the 15th. Meters are read around the middle of the month.
Current Water Rates for Residential and Commercial
***The base water rate for Residential Services is $38.50
***The base water rate for Commercial Services is $44.50
Sewer rates are calculated annually using average water usage for December, January, & February.
*** The base sewer rate is $24.60 plus calculated usage over 2,000 gallons.