Extension Office

Civic Center 309 W. River, Meridian, Texas

Meeting Civic Center

Meridian EDC

Senior Center 201 N. main, Meridian, Texas, United States

Meridian EDC will be meeting at the Senior Center


Civic Center 309 W. River, Meridian, Texas

CERT (Certified Emergency Response Team) CERT will meet at 5:30 pm, for a regularly scheduled meeting. Anyone is able to attend.

Local Election Forum

Civic Center 309 W. River, Meridian, Texas

A forum will be held with all the candidates for the local City of Meridian Election. This will be at the Civic Center.

2 Gather Meridian

Ampitheatre 305 W. Morgan, Meridian, Texas

We meet at the Ampitheatre and have singing and fellowship. All are welcome and invited!

Backpacking Ministry

Senior Center 201 N. main, Meridian, Texas, United States

Backpack Ministry will meet up to pack back packs. All are welcome to attend and help. The team makes a good time with this, as all race and pack to beat their time! All fun while packing bags for food